Rabeena Pink Pets Planet


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We provide petshop, hotel, grooming services and sell various types of cat food and accessories.

In addition, we also provide lion cut service.

Lion cut grooming package (shower, cut nails & wash ears) ! We just saw a new lion cut that this cat has lice and fungus. Don’t let the cat be uncomfortable with the problem of hair follicles, lion cut will solves the problem. Cats don’t stress either ?✂️

Let’s book a grooming slot/lion cut/hotel ?

✅There are too many fleas on the cat’s body ?
✅Hair loss is caused by ringworm, fungus and so on ?
✅Hair clumps & hurts cat skin ?
✅Weather that is too hot makes longhair cats stress because of the heat


Kami menyediakan servis petshop, hotel, grooming dan menjual pelbagai jenis makanan dan aksesori kucing.

Selain itu kami juga menyediakan servis lion cut.

Lion cut siap package grooming (mandi, potong kuku & cuci telinga) tau! Dah lion cut baru kita nampak yang si bulus ni ada kutu & funggus. Jangan biarkan si bulus tak selesa dgn masalah gumpalan bulu, lion cut je selesai masalah. Kucing pun tak stress ?✂️ Jom booking slot grooming/lion cut/cat hotel ?

✅Kutu terlalu banyak di badan kucing ?
✅Bulu gugur dengan banyak disebabkan oleh kurap, fungus dan sebagainya ?
✅Bulu bergumpal & menyakitkan kulit kucing ?
✅Cuaca yang terlalu panas membuatkan kucing longhair stress kerana kepanasan ?


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B42 Jalan IM3/10, Bandar Indera Mahkota Kuantan 25200 Kuantan, Pahang

Business Hours

Wed - Sun: 10.30 a.m - 06.00 p.m Mon : 10.00 a.m - 06.00 p.m Tue : Closed

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